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a iolid reason. . , The taxi. ri.de over, went so slow it was almost killing me.
I tried to tell the driver to go faster and faster until he
C o.uldn' t go any. f aster .Then. he. turned to. me. and asked me if my
H ame. waa Laurence of Arabia.After that blow,I decided to wait
0 ut the- rest of the ride*I was so optimistic about the sight of
1 endy Cross that Xray knees skook like rubber bamds when I got
0 ■ y ut of the car.In a state of space-outedness,! tipped the driver 5*00 do liar s.,135 ►00 might not do u r.d like a lot to you,but when qu have to really work for it,it's a lot of money to look, after.
After refusing my'money back twelve times,the cab- driver
i eft.,send I was in front of. Wendy Cross’s house.The mailbox said
i rest on, but she was always Ms.Cross to. me.I was standing in, the
vs alkway to: the front door in the very front of her house.lt was
c VJ • i i damn nice house.It had one story,and the front was decorated ith real bricks,not phony anes.She only went for brand names. t was a. dark house,and it had bushes all along the front of t to cover up the unbricked part of the.wall.The garage was cm he left side of the. hose.Since the house was on a corner,that
• I ut the driveway on the. other street.I couldn't see the back-
y ard from here,but I was. assured that it. wasterriffie.I couldh't
w ait to; see that terrif fie sunset Wendy wfote about.I moved my
w ay up the. sidewalk in the middle of their yard to the front.
c oor.The grass had been, freshly cut,and it smelled nice.! stopped t t 1 n it 1 It II "T” 1
£ t the front door, to see what was across the street.I-was expect-
ing another house just like this, but was shocked to see a golf course.It was nice to look at,and it’s probably where the sun set at night..(I guess the sun doesn’t set in the uorning.)After -1 thought about it,I realized that every window on her frontal house was prone to, having, golf balls fly through it at anytime. Then I turned around, to ring the doorbell.Don must have |nnded homself a pretty nice job to have a place like this,but I’m sure Wendy has herself a nice job as well.Ske’s not the type to sit around and. do housework all day.When she didn’t answer the door, I figured she must be around gown somewhere.It was the day before Mother's day,so her kids probably took her to get her present now so they could ZM sleep in ton or row. If they were Don Pres>
- Author
- mark thomas